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Seed Storage FAQs


How long will these seeds last?

It all depends on the particular vegetable. We include a wide variety of seeds in our Survival Seed kits for example. Different varieties last longer than others. For instance, tomatoes and cucumbers can have viable germ rates all the way up to 10 years before they begin to decline. Other seed like onions will last only 1-2 years. On the average, seeds should last anywhere from 3-5 years if stored correctly.


Why should I not freeze my seed?

We do NOT recommend storing seed in the freezer simply because if the seed has a moisture content of more than 6%, the seed could crack. And oftentimes, these hairline cracks are impossible to see. When that happens, the seed is no longer viable.


What should I do to keep moisture out?

Our seed kits come in a sealed tupperware container that include a moisture absorber inside. These are “self-indicating” absorbers, which need to be replaced once several of the pebbles inside turn a dark color. For an inexpensive absorber, check with your local pharmacy and ask for any desiccants that they may be throwing away. You can also use rice or powdered milk.


What is the best place to store seed?

We recommend the refrigerator. As long as the seed is kept in a cool, dry, dark environment, they should keep for several years. A cool cellar or basement with temps running anywhere from 45-70 degrees should work as well. Remember, the cooler you can keep them, without freezing, the longer the seed will last.


Should I vacuum seal pack these seeds?

Seeds are a living organism and need air to survive, so we do NOT recommend vacuum packing seeds for long term storage.


(866) 424-3185
